Media release — alter EGO #125 (84 pages with full COLOR, $8.95) telegraphs everything you ever wanted to know about LEE HARRIS—the artist/creator of the golden Age Detective Comics super-hero Air Wave—as revealed by son JONATHAN LEVEY to interviewer RICHARD J. ARNDT! There’s plenty of rarely-seen 1940s art treasures—including Lando, The Flame, green Falcon, and mysterious, never-published art of an alternate version of DC’s Tarantula! plus more of AMY KISTE NYBERG’s seal of approval expose on the Comic Code—and artist SAL AMENDOLA tells the story of ACBA (Academy of Comic book Arts), the 1970s comics-pro organization, with plenty of photos and art! Extra: FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America), MICHAEL T. GILBERT lurking in Mr. Monster’s Comic Crypt, bill SCHELLY, and more! Edited by ROY THOMAS.
You can view a free preview and order the print edition (at 15% off with a free digital edition) or digital edition only (just $3.95) at:
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Eight-issue subscriptions are $67 us for print (with free digital edition, and free us shipping), or $23.60 for digital only (just $2.95 each):
Order the print edition at your local comic book shop using diamond order Code: FEB141649
This issue will be in stores Wednesday, may 14, and ships directly from TwoMorrows on may 7.
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