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Your Comic book Tor-Mentor: beau Smith

by beau Smith

This past weekend I did a store signing at The inner Geek, a very good store in the Ashland town center mall in Ashland, Kentucky. It’s a large, beautifully displayed store. They carry loads of vintage toys of all eras, various trading cards, library-like racks of graphic novels, and of course, comic books. (Actually there’s even much more stuff, but then I’d be getting off topic.)

In the last 28 years, I’ve done a lot of store signings, in just about every shape or size store there is. I delight in doing them all. after all variety is the spice of life, or some sorta soup. I have to comment that I always delight in doing signings in mall stores. The reason being, they tend to get a lot of foot traffic of the non-traditional comic book reader and some that have never even read a comic book. I delight in that because the store then becomes my classroom. somebody walks in, sees me sitting at a table with a lot of brightly colored comic books and displays, and they are automatically drawn to me. much more than likely it’s the comic books that bring them over, but from time to time, I lie to myself and think it’s my ruggedly handsome features that border on grizzled, my squinty, smiling eyes, and maybe my soothing West Virginian accent. I like to lie to myself. I always believe me.

Listen and learn From The legend (In his own twisted mind)

As I was saying before I got distracted by…me….I think of the store as a classroom, and this is my chance to instruct a little Beauology 101 on comic books. in some cases I am a person’s first and only introduction to comic books (How scary is that?). I always try my best to make it a enjoyable and interesting conversation. Yes, I have gone over this lesson with folks numerous times over, but you know what? I never get exhausted of it.

I take into consideration that their experience with me is going to make a substantial first impression with them on comic books. I try to be fair and truthful when speaking of comics, but what I really want to get across to them is my passion for comic books, not only as a form of entertainment, but a craft as well. I delight in discussing to them how they are made, both creatively as well as manufactured. If they are really interested, I discuss how they’re distributed and retailed as well. believe it or not, I have a lot of folks that are interested in that part.

I delight in that I get to speak with all ages. kids will always give you an unfiltered, truthful answer. in some cases I get very blunt opinions on my comics as well from small children, but you know what? I like that. They trim the fat and get at it.

I hope all creators look at themselves as representatives of the comic book industry. If not, they should. I’m not saying they ought to be role models, but they ought to be a balanced portrait of what making comic books are all about.

I also like store signings because many of the time, I don’t have any competition. I’m the only developer there, so I don’t have to share my table, my thoughts, or the sales of MY books with any other writer or flashy, totally free sketch drawing artist. (I say that with love….really…)

If I can make their first comic book experience a enjoyable one, then that will also reflect on my books that they may or may not purchase and read. My book and my effect on them will forever be the benchmark for all comics and creators that come after me. Pressure, yeah, but give me that kinda pressure every day. I will forever be “their first,” and as we all know, you never forget your first. I always wanna be first. I don’t want to dwell in the middle of the pack, or trail last where you just eat others dust. That’s not for me. It’s the suggestion of the spear that tastes meat first and I’m hungry.

I’m waiting for you.

So if you’re a comic book creator, never forget you represent much more than just your work, you represent all of comics. If you’re a reader/customer, then come see me at a store signing. We’ll talk, you’ll learn, and there might just be a test.

Class dismissed,

Beau Smith

The flying Fist Ranch